Microsoft Office 2016 Standard 16.0.4300.1000 RePack

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Microsoft Office 2016 Standard 16.0.4300.1000



Software Version: 16.0.4300.1000
Official site: Microsoft
Language: English / Russian / Ukrainian

Treatment: not required

System requirements: x86 or x64 processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz and supports a set of instructions SSE2.
2 GB of RAM is recommended for graphics features, Outlook Instant Search, and certain advanced functionality.
3.0 GB of free hard disk space.
Screen resolution of 1280 x 800. To use graphics hardware acceleration, it is necessary graphics card with support for DirectX10.
Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Service Pack 1, Windows 10 Server, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2

Description: Microsoft Office 2016 well demonstrates how today has changed the approach to create documents and work with them. Many of us are beginning to work on the same computer, it continues on the other, as demonstrated in the third, simultaneously managing to make minor changes for laptop, tablet or smartphone. Therefore, Office 2016 tried to make conceptually different. Almost all of the key elements in it have been developed from scratch, and applications oriented to a single style of work, regardless of the hardware platform. They are designed to provide the usual functional on any device, automatically adjusting its interface to the parameters of the current screen and the available system resources.

The composition of the package of Microsoft Office Standard 2016:
Microsoft Excel 2016

Microsoft OneNote 2016

Microsoft Outlook 2016

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016

Microsoft Publisher 2016

Microsoft Word 2016

Details of the assembly:
The assembly is the original installer with built-in Microsoft Office updates and additional utilities that can both facilitate the installation and adjust it to the last detail.
General information:
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Activation: KMSAuto Lite from Ratiborus
Extras: UBit Menu
Silent installation is performed using file .msp (folder MSP) and, if necessary, you can customize them to your taste by using the OCT. Details of the use of the OCT can be found at the following link:

During installation it is recommended to disable antivirus solutions – a process will take place more quickly and the probability of successful activation is much increased.
Options silent install * (used AutorunHelper.exe):
/ O86U – silent installation of Office (x86) with updates
/ O64U – silent installation of Office (x64) with updates
/ O86N – silent installation of Office (x86) without updates
/ O64N – silent installation of Office (x64) without updates
/ UP2016 – install updates
/ KMS – activated
/ UBRU – setting UBit Menu ENG
/ UBEN – setting UBit Menu ENG
/ S – to hide the progress window
For example, the team AutorunHelper.exe / O86U / V86N / KMS / UBRU
install Office x86 with updates, UBit Menu RUS and activates all the products Office.

For unpacked version (.exe) on the same run as follows:
Install.exe -y -nr -gm2
“% WINDIR% Temp OFFICE2016 AutorunHelper.exe” / O86U / KMS / UBRU
Install.exe file name should be replaced by appropriate.
* Do not install products with different bit depth simultaneously (Office x64 and Visio x86).

Changes in version 2015.11:
Is built on the November 2015 update.

Added Russian and English versions of the expansion UBit Menu + command-line options;

Maximize possible path for the installation files (previously was limited to 256 characters, so that there was an error “Can not find the specified config.xml file”);

The Standard-version assembly no longer uses the extracted update files. It slightly increased the size of the assemblies (100-200 MB), but allowed more compact .ISO-images;

On the information page assembly added a link to the portal, is actively supporting the project;

Activator KMSAuto Lite 1.2.4 updated to version;

.msp-Microsoft Office files on the 2016 Standard replaced correctly.

CRC32: C997726A
MD5: DD3A769B36B867B3ED24BD65849224EB
SHA-1: AAFF832F179D0C095285F463BB53948A36368513
CRC32: B0362E8A
MD5: 714B93FAD69C7F60311D9B7AB7449DD2
SHA-1: EA8B78DD08020512BFD91BE65E302EE0331EA06B

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