CrossFTP Pro is a powerful FTP client supporting WebDav, FXP, and Amazon S3
Amazon S3 Support
Simply manage your on-demand storage, cost effectively!
CDN CloudFront Distribution
Manage public/private distribution, and sign URLs!
Local Encryption
Encrypt your files with AES algorithm before transfer!
WebDAV(s) and MobileMe iDisk Support
Get files on WebDav(s) and MobileMe iDisk, faster than Browser!
FXP (Site-to-Site) Transfers
Go server to server FTP transfers by tab-to-tab!
Versatile secure protocol choices made transfer simple
Turbo Engine
Up to 40x multi-thread enigne turbos the speed!
Edit Anywhere
Edit any files in any app, even remote graph files
Preview your sync, save/schedule in queue, powerful options
Put your transfer/synchronization tasks in plan
HTTP/Sock/FTP Proxy
Flow along various proxy engines
Bind two tabs, so that one goes, the other also goes
Speed Limit
Nicely grant your bandwidth to other programs
Remote File Search
Search for certain files in the remote folder
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