DAMN NFO Viewer 2.10 RC3

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DAMN NFO Viewer 2.10 RC3.zip

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DAMN NFO Viewer 2.10 RC3


Available in multiple languages
Chinese Simplified, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish. You can choose the languages during installation and switch between them later via Settings dialog.
Hyperlinks / Email addresses autodetection
The viewer automatically detects hyperlinks / email addresses and shows them as clickable shortcuts.
Customizable appearance
You can set text/background colors, colors for hyperlinks and hovered hyperlinks, whether or not you want hyperlinks to be underlined, and choose between 3 built-in fonts, available in different sizes.
Word Wrap
You can switch between word wrap, character wrap and no wrap.
Shell integration
The Viewer can be set as the default application to open files with .nfo and .diz extensions. You get fancy file icons as a bonus.
Smart line breaks handling
Unix style line breaks are supported (that is, you won’t notice any difference). Moreover, the Viewer correctly displays files with doubled/tripled/etc. (e.g. because of improper multiple UnixWindows conversions) line breaks.
Unicode support
Unicode version of the program is installed automatically if the operation system supports it. Unicode version provides better support for multilingual user interface.
When this feature is on, text gets copied to clipboard automatically after you have finished selecting it (released shift key or left mouse button). After the selected text has been copied, the selected area will flash shortly and the text will get deselected (so for those who thought it’s a bug: it is not).
Direct Scroll mode
In this mode there’s no caret so you can’t select text with keyboard, but you can navigate through file contents more easily (like in your browser). Turning it off makes it more like viewing a file in a text editor. and more…
including Most Recently Viewed nfos list (accessible via menu or Alt+R), Drag&Drop support, … well, check for yourself.

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