Motion v1.2 Apk XpoZ
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Motion v1.2 Apk XpoZ is a dynamic 3D animated live wallpaper for phones and tablets with parallax 3D effects.
What is in this version :
+ Add SPEED option, slow down animation from 100% to 10%.
+ Fix graphic artifacts
+ Fix black background issue
+ Fix preferences colors issue
App Review:
Motion v1.2 Apk XpoZ is a dynamic 3D animated live wallpaper for phones and tablets with parallax 3D effects. Please see video review. You can create static wallpaper.
+ FREEZE animation and create STATIC 3D wallpaper with parallax effect.
+ Double click to open wallpaper settings.
+ Set custom animation colors, background color.
+ Predefined animations, background type light, colors.
+ Random timer, animations, colors.