WAV to AC3 Encoder 5.5 + x64 [Latest] Crackingpatching.com

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WAV to AC3 Encoder 5.5 + x64 [Latest] Crackingpatching.com.zip

WAV to AC3 Encoder 5.5 + x64
The software easily converts WAV format audio track in AC3, download WAV to AC3 Encoder possible.
The interface is simple and easy to understand. To add files or folders can be via the menu or by dragging them with the mouse in the main window, there is naturally a batch mode. Additionally, you can select the sample rate, audio channels, bitrate and other values.
From the screenshot can be seen that it is possible to customize the encoding parameters, view metadata information. The product can be used by novices without any problems, because all you get right in one window and understandable form, and professionals will appreciate the abundance of options.

Developer: Wieslaw Soltes
License: FreeWare
Language: English
Size: 2.92 MB
OS: Windows

How to Install:
1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.

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