Adobe Acrobat XI Professional 11.0.18 for Windows – Patch MPT

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Adobe Acrobat XI Professional 11.0.18 for Windows – Patch

Adobe Acrobat XI Professional 11.0.18 for Windows – Patch MPT

About this release
Release date: Oct 11, 2016
OS: Windows 7, 8, and 10 (x86/x64)
Usage: detailed instructions in readme file

Changes in version 11.0.18
– Added support for Windows 10 RS1
– Bug fixes: Javascript Engine (creating a modal dialog using app.execDialog() function works on only one file if multiple instances of such files are open).
– Services Integration [Win 10]: Reader crashes on creating link via Adobe send while “Stay signed In” is checked.
– Send Mail: Send file as attachment is not working.
– Collaboration: Tracker window fails to load in Acrobat/Reader.

About Acrobat XI Professional
Adobe Acrobat XI Pro is still the most powerful, comprehensive, and full-featured PDF editor available in the market. Developed by the creators of the PDF Standard, it offers you the possibility of creating PDF files from scratch, converting to and from PDF into other well-known document standards, and editing the content of existing PDF files.

Acrobat Pro is still the preferred PDF creation and editing software tool among professionals. Despite the rising number of competitors that flood the market every year, none of these alternative tools has managed to come close to Acrobat’s comprehensiveness. It is true that some of those PDF editors have solved some of the few lacks in Acrobat with elegant and efficient solutions but, in the end, none of them has managed to compete with its endless list of features and functions.

Acrobat took a big leap in the previous version, especially on the design area. The interface layout and the menus that you will find in this new version will not surprise you if you happen to be an Acrobat X user already. However, this time Adobe has put the emphasis on functionality. Editing is now more user-friendly, thanks to the new point-and-click interface that lets you add, delete, and change texts as easily as in most text editors. PDF files can now be converted into PowerPoint presentations right away, without needing to extract the pages as images, as we used to do before. Forms have undergone a major improvement – this version installs FormsCentral on your system, which will allow you to create pro-looking forms from scratch, as well as to collect responses from web forms. Last but not least, you can now also combine various documents in different formats into one single PDF file.

Apart from this new functionality, Acrobat XI Pro comes with a long list of improvements on already existing features. The conversion engine that transforms HTML and Office files into PDF documents has been largely improved, together with the PDF to Word conversion (both DOC and DOCX). Turning a PDF file into an accessible PDF (readable by persons with a visual impairment) is now much more intuitive, especially when it comes to defining the reading order of the document.

Download Adobe Acrobat XI Professional 11.0.18 for Windows – Patch MPT


Adobe Acrobat XI Professional 11.0.18 for Windows – Patch MPT

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  1. Dinesh RaviKumar

    Although after Installing the setup by following the procedures mentioned in “Read me” text file, When i tried logging in the Acrobat, it is prompting to “LICENSE THE SOFTWARE OR CONTINUE TRAIL”

    Admin could you please help in providing me the registration code ?

    1. Admin

      Continue with trial and then close the program and use patch to make register

  2. Israr Qadri

    How to install?

    1. Admin

      Here are instructions;
      1. Install software
      2. Use patch to register this software
      3. done
      try and let us know if you need further guidance.

  3. Dinesh RaviKumar

    With the Serial Key(S) that I generated with the help of “Patch-XFORCE” is INVLAID.

    Admin Please help

    1. Admin

      Hey Dinesh,
      We love to help people but with real issues and issue you arise here isn’t real and there is no XFORCE type patch included in this bundle.
      I downloaded and installed it completely and spent my 3 hours to check non-natural issue and found it working perfectly…procedure is lengthy but it’s working…you need to follow instructions given inside the archive, for you ease I’m also quote the same procedure on the bottom of this message…
      hope it’ll help you.
      1. Disconnect from the internet and turn off AV temporarily
      2. Install Acrobat in a trial mode
      3. Launch the application, accept agreement and start the trial mode
      4. Go to Edit –> Preferences –> Updates and select the last option ‘Do not download …’
      5. Close the application
      6. Install update AcrobatUpd11018
      7. Copy patch MPT from patch folder into installation directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat and launch as admin
      8. Launch Process Explorer (included) and kill process AdobeARM.exe
      9. Go to folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0 and rename all 3 files (i.e. AdobeARMold, armsvcold, AcrobatUpdateold)
      10. Launch Autoruns (included), type Adobe in the search box, and uncheck: AdobeAAMUpdate-1.0 + Acrobat Assistant 8.0 + Adobe ARM
      11. Copy Adobe Tool (patch folder) to any location and launch as admin, select the Host Patch Options from the brown icon and click patch

  4. Backler

    I had Adobe Acrobat DC installed before, and now the setup is denying to install, said: “Setup has detected that you have a more functional product… setup is now terminated.” Any ideas?

    1. Admin

      I think, it means you already installed its latest version or some other similar product that can perform the same functions…

  5. Leftbol

    Quick one on the last step: 11. Copy Adobe Tool (patch folder) to any location and launch as admin, select the Host Patch Options from the brown icon and click patch

    When i launch as admin it gives me a Module error 7 (error). Any ideas as to why?

    1. Admin

      Don’t worry, may be operating system compatibility issues…but at this stage if you followed all previous steps you can check your Adobe product already activated.
      Good luck

  6. hacker

    I know its a stupid one, but how will I know that I have done everything correctly


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