Exposure_Software_Eye_Candy_7.2.3.85__TNT_ MAC OS
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Exposure_Software_Eye_Candy_7.2.3.85__TNT_ MAC OS renders realistic effects that are difficult or impossible to achieve in Photoshop alone, such as Fire, Chrome, and the new Lightning. Effects like Animal Fur, Smoke, and Reptile Skin are rendered in exquisite detail down to individual hairs, turbulent wisps, and shiny scales.
Eye Candy helps you quickly explore and design looks. In Eye Candy 7, effects are chosen through easy to recognize icons rather than text menus. Presets are rapidly previewed by simply mousing over them. The theme is less clicking and more visual browsing.
Compatibility: macOS 10.10 or later 64-bit
How to Install:
1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). Thats all, Done & enjoy.